I‘m Trying To Put a NeuroDivergent Spice Into Learning BME Classes

I only thought of Dyslexia as a disorder, so I believed I just have to study harder to keep up with my peers. “I’m just slower than most people, but if I just try harder, then I will get smarter”. Though studying harder is a valiant effort, sometimes it’s better to study smarter.

After reading “The Dyslexic Advantage”, I realized that Dyslexia isn’t a disorder but an entire different way of thinking and I needed a smarter way of studying.

It started making sense why I was struggling so hard in classes - they weren’t only difficult, but I made learning them difficult. With this, I wanted to figure out techniques to make difficult BME classes friendlier to the Dyslexic mind. This includes but not limited to:

  • Pulling abstract mathematical equations into physical examples

  • Putting context and connection on to information

  • Making text easier to read by breaking it up to short paragraphs and underlining words so it doesn’t get glazed over

This resource isn’t for everyone, but for the visual learners I hope this helps!

I just started this experiment, so bear with me as I am also learning with y’all. However, just like the engineering process, each mistake will yield a better iteration. So if you see a kernel of usefulness in this, I hope y’all will stick with me.

If y’all have suggestions for what I should improve or topics you are having trouble with, send them my way!


Never Gonna Give You Up


Never Gonna Let You Down


Never Gonna Turn Around and Hurt You


Never Gonna Give You Up 〰️ Never Gonna Let You Down 〰️ Never Gonna Turn Around and Hurt You 〰️